Dream Journal Entry 04






I keep seeing places from my past. They start out the same but then morph into labyrinths and mazes. This has happened since I was a child. I'll be content in a nostalgic place from my childhood and then that peace is ripped away from me. Suddenly the architecture changes, I'm in a nonsensical maze. The floor will crumble beneath me where I'll be plunged into darkness. Basements under basements with rickety ladders and platforms. Small houses will turn into castles rising high in the sky. The wallpaper and architectural style is the same but I'm lost in a breathing entangled network of corridors. I'm being chased. I'm running from something, a witch, a giant creature, a family member turned evil, a merciless god. I don't know what will be around the corner but I have to keep going. Do any of you have dreams like this? Let me know at the shrine.